BreastCancerAwarenes Microgreens | Sunny Greens
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Why Microgreens?  Why Sunny Greens?

My company started out of a passion to help people improve their overall health.  I was personally introduced to the power of Microgreens in 2003 by a doctor in Illinois and it soon became my passion and then became a business.   Our mission is to reach as many people locally here on the Treasure Coast of Florida to teach them about the power, health and nutrition of Microgreens.  To deliver weekly to homes, workplaces, juice bars, health food stores, restaurants, yoga studios, and fitness centers.  Microgreens help Chefs make their food presentation beautiful and more appetizing.  Microgreens offer a remarkable environmental and nutritional benefit and help people to improve their health with the foods we eat.  Microgreens can have as much as 40X the nutritional value (vitamins and minerals) as their full size vegetable equivalents.  Microgreens, Sprouts & Wheatgrass are among the healthiest foods on the planet.

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Feel free to enjoy this free recipe section!  If you have a great recipe of your own, please share it and we will post it with your very own credits!

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12 pieces of rice paper
Large bowl filled with warm water
1 cup pea shoots microgreens
1 cup radish microgreens
1/2 cup pickled ginger slices
2 large carrots, cut into matchsticks
2 zucchini, unpeeled and cut thinly lengthwise
2 green onions, cut thinly lengthwise
1 large bell pepper, finely sliced lengthwise
Optional: sprinkling of evening primrose and borage petals
Tip: Keep two tea towels handy: one damp tea towel nearby to wipe your hands as needed; and another damp tea towel to cover the bowl.
Dip one rice paper round into the warm water until it begins to soften. Cover with a damp towel to soften for one minute. Gently shake off excess water and place onto a flat surface (a plate or cutting board).
Place a selection of all the vegetables onto the softened rice paper.
Roll up tightly. Start by rolling a flap to cover the vegetables, then tuck in both sides. Continue rolling until into finished.
Garnish with flower petals or incorporate them into the final round.
Keep rice paper rolls in the fridge under a damp towel until ready for serving.

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Tropical Delight Smoothie

Servings: 2


2 cups of frozen tropical fruit mix (the one I use has pineapple, mango, strawberry, and peach)

1/2 cup yogurt (plain or vanilla)

1/2 cup coconut water or pineapple juice

1 banana, peeled

2 handfuls of microgreens (try sunflower or pea shoots)

Optional: 2 tablespoons of unsweetened coconut flakes

Combine all ingredients in blender. Blend until smooth. Enjoy!



Whisk together two egg whites and 2 tsp of milk.
Add mixture to a skillet with a light coat of cooking spray and cook them over medium to low heat.
Add some salt and pepper to the egg while cooking, flip the egg over when the bottom looks cooked.
Once the other side is done, transfer it to a plate fill it with sliced avocado, crumbled goat cheese, and some fresh microgreens and fold it in half.  DELICIOUS!

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A wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings, and learn how by his own thought to derive benefit from his illnesses. The natural healing force within each of us is the greatest force in getting well. That which is used - develops. That which is not used wastes away.  "Hipprocrates"

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